Robert's visit to the Library on Monday 6th September was a great success, all those who attended were entertained with Robert's great storytelling about his and his family's adventures. Below is an overview of Robert's story and some photos of the event.
Robert Long and his family - wife Catherine, and children Christan (19) and Robyn (17) - live in complete isolation (Christan is currently studying at Otago Polytechnic and Robin is in Year 13 at Mount Aspiring College in Wanaka), in a hut two days' walk south of Haast in South Westland. Robert has lived there for nearly 30 years; Catherine for 20 and the kids all their lives. Their only contact with the outside world is a helicopter or plane once a month, and two trips a year to the 'outside world'. This is the story of how and why Robert - known locally as 'Beansprout' - came to live at Gorge River, and the family's experiences there over the years, living self-sufficiently and forging close bonds with the natural environment. It is an inspiring tale of one man's decision to 'drop out' of capitalist society and successfully establish a lifestyle most New Zealanders can't even imagine, harking back to the days of the earliest pioneers.
This is the inspiring and truly impressive story of how and why Robert — known locally as ‘Beansprout’ — chose to live ‘outside’ society and came to live at Gorge River.
I found his story riveting, couldn't put it down.
It is the inspiring tale of one man’s decision to ‘drop out’ of capitalist society and successfully establish a lifestyle most New Zealanders can’t even imagine, harking back to the days of the earliest pioneers, living self-sufficiently and forging close bonds with the natural environment.
It is the inspiring tale of one man’s decision to ‘drop out’ of capitalist society and successfully establish a lifestyle most New Zealanders can’t even imagine, harking back to the days of the earliest pioneers, living self-sufficiently and forging close bonds with the natural environment.